Pools and hot tubs are fun, safe, and relaxing. But because they are used so frequently, they require cleaning as a vital part of maintenance and upkeep. Cleaning them on a regular basis keeps dirt, grime, and toxins out of your pool water. But how do you choose the right type of cleaning method to keep your pool sparkling? Here are the differences between chlorine shock and non-chlorine shock methods.


Chlorine Shock vs. Non-Chlorine Shock


It is not uncommon to use chlorinated tablets to clean pools. They remove harmful elements and environmental toxins. But there comes a time when other measures must be taken where deeper cleaning is needed. Thankfully, there are two types of deep pool cleaning: chlorine shock and non-chlorine shock.


Chlorine Shock Treatments


Chlorine shock treatments are deep cleaning methods that are good for removing agents like algae and bacteria. For this, there are three types: liquid chlorine, cal-hypo, and dichlor-trichlor treatments.

Liquid chlorine has a pH level of >13 and can bleach and clean vinyl covers and painted surfaces. This method only takes 1 gallon per 10 gallons of pool or tub water, which is enough to clean and sanitize for a long time.

Cal-hypo works the same way, with the only difference being that cal-hypo adds calcium to pool water. This acts as a protective firewall for paint and vinyl. But due to a lack of cyanuric acid, it offers very little sun protection for chlorine. Therefore, it’s best to apply after hours with a minimum waiting period of 18-24 hours.

Then there are dichlor-trichlor treatments, which have balanced chlorine that guards against the harsh sun. Plus, it has the ability to aggressively remove algae due to its concentrated formula and comes in a slow-release formula.


Non-Chlorine Shock Treatments


Non-chlorine shock operates on a different level and is typically a safer alternative due to not having chlorine in it. In fact, these non-chlorine shock cleaners are composed of oxygen and potassium, both of which are extremely proactive in the removal of perspiration, dead skin, sunscreen, and dirt. It is best when used in water that is only slightly polluted but without algae. Due to its lack of chlorine, it cannot kill off pond growth, but the good news is, you will have a much shorter wait time of only fifteen minutes before you can safely resume pool use again.




The way you clean your pool or hot tub depends on your needs and circumstances. You may choose to clean it just to get sweat and grime removed, or to dispose of fungal growth. No matter the reason you choose to clean your pool, there are options available to help you get your pool back to its former glory. Feel free to reach out to us at Spa Tech to learn more about how we can help.

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